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What's everyone using for Poweramp?

Started by Duke of Metal, April 20, 2024, 07:00:21 PM

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Duke of Metal

Looking to put my MP-1 back into a rig to use.  What's everyone using for Poweramp now days ? 



I've ended up with 3, ADA B200s in my new(ish) 4 RU rack, Carvin DCM200L in my 8 RU rack and Carvin TS100 in it's own 2 RU case. 

The TS100 is the later model with 2 x 12AX7 per channel, IIRC the earlier version only used 1 per channel.
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few

Harley Hexxe

Hey Duke,

   Where have you been hiding, welcome back :thumb-up:

   I still have Microtube 200s, and BS 200 power amps, but I also have a couple of Peavey 50/50 Classic power amps too which sound good with my MP-1 Classic. They're not too bad with the MP-2 either. What I'd really like to find these days and they are getting rarer than hens teeth, are Mesa 20/20 power amps.

Harley  8)
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!

Duke of Metal

Thanks guys.   

Hey Harley, I've been here buddy. I just come in hover around and look at posts.  Busy with life.  Hope you're well buddy.

Trying to build a rack rig back up slowly.  Still got my 3TM MP1 as well as my "Dukanator" that Hairston gave to me years ago.  Got a TC multi effects unit. Just looking for a Poweramp now. 

Trying to stay with solid-state if possible cause of the cost of tubes. 

Anyone try a Matrix Poweramp with an MP-1?


Nice to see you in here Duke

I'm still using my MT200, kinda wish I would have hung on to my other one now because my MT100 is only working in one channel (pretty typical of those units)

To be honest, I'm not even using the rack stuff live...I know, blasphemy

@Harley: You are correct about those 20/20 Dyna Watt amps, very hard to find and now they're very costly too

Harley Hexxe


    If you're going to go with solid state, I would of course recommend the B200S, which is probably the best sounding solid state power amp for the guitar. Then again, a lot of people swear by some of the Marshall valvestate power amps too. I still see those pop up on ebay and reverb from time to time.

   You might also check Sweetwater on their used gear pages. You never know what might come up there.

   P.S. Never tried a Matrix power amp.
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!

Harley Hexxe


    It's the power transistors in those Microtube amps. That's why none of my MT 100s are in use. they go faster than the MT 200s. It's an issue I posted about in the forum over 20 years ago. It seems there is still no solution to solving why that happens. A local electronics repair shop should be able to replace that for a relatively low cost. Or, if you're feeling adventurous, you could order them from Mauser and replace it yourself. I might give that a go myself, and maybe even try to re-cap the power amps. There really isn't that much in them.
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!


Show me the part, I'll change it....and it may work (I can neither confirm or deny that)

And a big Plus One for the Marshall Valvestate amps, not much on features, but plenty clean and loud

Duke of Metal

Sadly there doesn't appear to be any place with anyone selling a B200S.  I always remember it was somewhat rare and when people had it, they kept them.

I came across the Mosvalve Poweramp and Rocktron Velocity as well.   


Hi there!  :wave:

Currently I use a couple of power amps.
The main one is an Advanced Tube Technology TA-70, 60+60W EL-34 stereo full tube power amp.
It's made in Italy and it's a perfect companion for all my tube preamps: MP-1, Marshall JMP1 and Digitech GFX-1 Twin Tube.

The backup unit it's the classic Marshall Valvestate 8008, 80+80W solid state stereo power amp.
Great and solid unit.

Another good solid state power amp is the Rocktron Velocity: 120, 150 or 300 are the ones to go for.

In the past I also used classic ADA power amps: B200S and Microtube 100.
Very nice units.
On the run again!


Hey Max, I've heard good things (mostly on here) about the Rocktrons.  An IIRC RG was trying out a European hybrid power amp that he liked. 

@Duke, if you can find a Carvin DCM200L (unfortunately I think Carvin shut down  :facepalm: ), they are great and 1 RU, really light.  I have one in my 8RU rack which I use for both guitar (MP-2) and bass MB-1 

But you might find a B200s ?? 
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few

Harley Hexxe


   All my MT 200s are either racked up or packed up at the moment. I can't recall the part number, but they are easy to spot.

   Take off the top cover and look for two transistors about an inch long. There are two for each channel. They look like a black square with a metal square the same size on top of it and a screw holds this down to the chassis. On the bottom of the black square there will be three legs soldered to a PCB. Those are the culprits.
  You should be able to read the part numbers on the front of the black square.
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!


Quote from: Duke of Metal on April 20, 2024, 07:00:21 PM
Looking to put my MP-1 back into a rig to use.  What's everyone using for Poweramp now days ? 


Marshall 9200. 200W of stereo tube glory!

'88 Ibanez 540R
'90 Charvel 475 Special
'91 Ibanez JEM77BFP
'97 Ibanez JEM7VWH
'98 Ibanez Universe UV777PBK
'20 Ibanez PIA3761-SLW
'22 Ibanez BTB805MS Bass
Roland GP-100
Digitech GSP-2101 Artist (LE)
Digitech Studio 5000
Digitech Studio Quad V2
Behringer XR18
ADA MT-100 (spare amp)
Marshall 9200

On the repair/rebuild bench in various states of (dis)repair:
91 Ibanez 540R (restoration in progress)
Piles of GSP-2101
MP-2 main board in parts....


You can see the Advanced Tube Tech TA '70 power amp in the picture: it's the first unit on the bottom of my XMas Tree!
On the run again!


I just got my Mesa Fifty/Fifty back from the shop. The previous owner had it converted to 6V6 operation, and it eventually released the magic smoke when I was playing. I was so afraid that the smoke came from my precious MP-1, that I accepted a trade for another MP-1 (which I have for sale locally, but am considering keeping and installing the 3TM and MDRT now that I have another unit to keep stock).

Restored to 5881WXT tubes and running into the Monstercab, I'm back in action.