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Herby's attemt @ SS Mod, Noise Mod, MDRT Mod

Started by herbyguitar, October 20, 2017, 09:56:27 PM

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cool possibly I will work on it today. Kinda funny because I almost added the MDRT but something told me to wait and see what the noise ad SS mod sounded like. Cant wait to see.


Well, MDRT gives a nice kick in the ass to tubes...it makes the overall tone more open and bright, less compressed than with original tranny.
That's a matter of tastes, of course.
I loved original MP-1 tones, but I like a lot how it sounds now with MDRT...it has a lot of punch and it doesn't loose too much on creaminess.
MDRT is a nice improvement, no doubts.

Furthermore, we're not 100% sure that the issue debated in this thread would affect any unit with SS mod, noise mod and MDRT.
We know that at least 2-3 units with same mods have similar, unpredictable, strange behaviors...and we're doing an attempt to go deeper into.
Let's see: as always, every contribution can help!
On the run again!


Quote from: Iperfungus on March 16, 2019, 07:20:17 PM
...This evening I was talking to a dear friend who's a guitar player and a smart DIYer and electronic tech.
I don't remember how, we ended up talking about my modified MP-1 and I said that I still have to swap R17 to a 560K resistor as MJMP suggested a while ago (yes, I'm lazy...  :homer:).
The conversation took an interesting turn when I mentioned the MDRT mod and the new 190V (EDIT: it's 240V) voltage now going to the tubes.
Ricky made an interesting hypothesis about high radio frequencies coming from external environment, going into ADA through the guitar's pickups and being now amplified by 190V (EDIT: it's 240V) powered tubes (this could explain why there were no squeal before mods).
That made sense to me, because:

1) when no guitar is plugged: no squeal
2) when guitar is plugged with volume turned to 0: no squeal
3) when guitar is plugged and volume's fully open: squeal

So, Ricky suggested something from a video he watched: an input filter placed among cable's jack and MP-1 input.
A 68K resistor placed between signal wire and cable jack and 1M resistor placed among signal and ground wires.
I said "ok, I'll do an attempt ASAP".

Then, an idea came to my brain.
I just took my Boss DS-1 (powered and off) and placed it between guitar and MP-1's input: the squeal is gone!
I can now turn Output Volume to max with OD1 = OD2 = 10.0 and set my preferred eq and there's no squeal at all.
Simply no squeal anymore.

The Boss has some magic inside: a buffer.
Simply putting a buffer among guitar and MP-1 is enough to get rid of that squeal: signal is less sensitive to external noise.
No noise is going into ADA through pickups, no noise to be amplified.

I've done this with another pedal (a Klon Centaur clone) that has a good buffer and result is the same: the squeal is 100% gone.

When I remove the buffer, the squeal is there again unmodified.
I'm so happy i saw this! I'll try the same on my unit, and see if the results are the same. If so I'll happily try to develop and share a DIY input buffer project for the MP-1  :thumb-up:


Quote from: hansgraudal on May 02, 2019, 12:22:35 AM
I'm so happy i saw this! I'll try the same on my unit, and see if the results are the same. If so I'll happily try to develop and share a DIY input buffer project for the MP-1  :thumb-up:

Please, let us know how it will proceed.
At the moment, I managed to fix the squeal issue with the usage of an external buffer, as I wrote (a TC Electronic Bonafide is doing its job right now, but the Boss or the Klon-e did exactly the same).
This is just a workaround, but for some reason it works very well.

Let's keep in touch!  :thumb-up:
On the run again!


Hi folks!

Has anyone already tried the alternative buffer solution?
Any other news?

I will do another attempt and let you know, meanwhile.
On the run again!


Well I finally got around to the large noise mod and the SS tube board mod ( no MDRT) and well it squeals unbelievable when I try to get any type of gain out of it.
Is this just common with this tube board? I am not really wanting to have to use a buffer before. Would a noise gate work? Not sure but I may just put the old board back in it and enjoy the noise mod. I am glad I have multiple mp-1s. If anyone has anything new I am up for some Ideas.


Quote from: bunkyloo on May 24, 2019, 10:47:23 AM
Well I finally got around to the large noise mod and the SS tube board mod ( no MDRT) and well it squeals unbelievable when I try to get any type of gain out of it.
Is this just common with this tube board? I am not really wanting to have to use a buffer before. Would a noise gate work? Not sure but I may just put the old board back in it and enjoy the noise mod. I am glad I have multiple mp-1s. If anyone has anything new I am up for some Ideas.

Ciao Steve!
Thanks for the update: this seems to exclude the MDRT from the possible causes of this issue.
I do not think that's related to the noise mod...so it should be something in the tubeboard?
We need MJMP here...

But, in the meanwhile, can you try the external buffer trick and let us know if it works as a workaround as in my case?
I'm not sure a noise gate would work or be a good solution, in case you've to set a too high threshold...
I've the noise gate active in the GMajor and it does not get rid of the squeal...the buffer does.

If you put the old tubeboard back, does the squeal disappear?

On the run again!


Strange, the SS mod is almost the same as the original board, except for some caps, but nothing that could give a squeal problem.


I guess all I can do is try both those ideas and see where it goes unless there is a mistake I made somewhere along the way. I usually have no desoldering issues because I use a hot air rework gun. Is there any error in either mod installation that would cause this thanks in advance steve.


Can you check if OD2 is working? Just adjust it and make sure you "hear" it work.


Well OD 1 and 2 are both working. I took out the groove tubes that were in it and put a mesa Russian and a mesa Chinese and it quieted it down a hair  and also the gain does not seem as a heavy as it used to. and also my clip leds don't seem to be reacting.
I did the rear jack mod also I forgot to mention but that was fairly easy. The noise is instant without anything plugged in at all.


Quote from: bunkyloo on May 26, 2019, 01:54:41 PM
The noise is instant without anything plugged in at all.

Uhm, this makes it slightly different...
If I disconnect the guitar or set guitar's volume down to zero, the squeal stops.
On the run again!


Quote from: MarshallJMP on May 25, 2019, 04:55:03 AM
Strange, the SS mod is almost the same as the original board, except for some caps, but nothing that could give a squeal problem.

This could make sense if the issue would be related to MDRT voltage on tubes?
I'm just thinking out loud... :dunno:
On the run again!


Well I emailed the mighty MJMP :bow: and he right away I miss wired the rear input jack of all stupid things and yes noise mod and ss tube board work great. The only squeal I get is when everything is all the way up and I never would need that so yeah with the patch herby had posted I had zero issues so I am guessing yes this must be an MDRT issue only with this combination.

Also what kind of idiot does a whole noise mod and tube board and miss wires a Jack ? :facepalm:


Thanks for the update mate!

About the missing wire...don't worry, shit happens...but MJMP will always help!  :bow:

Ok, so...can you just run a short test?
Just set a patch like this and set Output Volume pot over half way, around 1 'o clock: do you hear any squeal?

OD1 : 7.5
OD2 : 7.5
Master : 5.5
Bass : 6
Mid : 6
Treble : 9
Presence : 12

In the meanwhile, I've done a small test with OD1 and OD2 and it seems that increasing OD2 makes the squeal worst than increasing OD1: if I set OD1 = OD2 = 5.0 there's no squeal at all...if I increase OD2 to 10.0 with OD1 set to 5.0, squeal arises earlier than increasing OD1 to 10.0 with OD2 set to 5.0..
On the run again!