Let's Get Technical > Troubleshooting Problems

error codes


I'm getting 1, 2, 3. Error. new battery. will not keep program in memory. but does play after setting up a NEW program.  Help?

So you replaced the battery?Measure the voltage of the battery,should be around 3.3V

Yessir. 3.2.
Still getting error codes. Have to "edit- Bank+store" to get presets every time...

Ok,you a multimeter,good.Measure on pin 28 (or pin 26) of the RAM chip (usually a 5864 or a 6264) located next to the eprom (with the white sticker on it).There you have have around 2.6V when the unit is off and 5V when the unit is on.

Pinlayout  http://circuits.datasheetdir.com/364/HM6264B-pinout.jpg

Let me know.


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