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I miss my B200s

Started by Dante, November 22, 2013, 05:46:48 PM

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It worked through practice without any issue, so yay.

I didn't swap the cables to be sure it wasn't my MP-2 with the volume diff....I should have done that. I will take a look at it when I get back to the practice space. I was just going with it uneven to try it out...didn't troubleshoot at all.

The whole concept of the B200s being so simple is why I'm not intimidated by opening it up and fixing what needs fixing. It didn't look like that case had ever been opened, inside is pristine.

I will bring my Deoxit and clean out that pot again, then swap the cables and troubleshoot.

BTW: That amp gets LOUD

Harley Hexxe

Hey Dante,

    If it were me, I would take a look at any resistors for discoloration, especially near the filter caps. I would also use a plastic rod, or some other non-conductive tool to move any wires or ribbon cables gently to see if that low side changes volume levels. Tapping with that tool in various places around the PC board might also reveal an area where the problem could be, (I would be doing this with a signal going through it, so be very careful where you touch).

   I think Richard's suggestion of freshening up the solder joints is a good one, after all they are pretty old, but also look for loose solder connections too. Solder joints can crack, and components can move, even slightly.
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!


Hey Dante, ( BTW: That amp gets LOUD ) :metal: :evil: :metal: . Nothing quite like 124w p/c into 4 ohms, probably 100 (ish) into  8 ohms, so 200w :woohoo2: .

One suggestion though, I'd move the MP2 to the top of the rack, mostly because of heat.  MP2s get really hot on top, B200s also get hot on top (that's where the output transistors are mounted), so the B200s heat will go straight into the MP2.  I suspect the boss thingy isn't as deep ??, so putting it in between will let the heat circulate better and the extra space in the top of the rack will let the MP2 breathe.
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few


All good advice

Harley: I'll get in there with a chopstick,  and look for any discoloration on the resistors 

Richard: but I want the ADA gear together....maybe I'll put the Boss FX on bottom


Hey Dante, why do you want them together? Looks?

But with Boss Fx on the bottom?, well MP2 on top is the main thing so it get more air on top of it, but Boss Fx in the middle is best for heat dissipation.  Also B200s on the bottom is better for weight distribution.

But hey it obviously will work fine how you have it now.
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few


Quote from: rnolan on November 08, 2024, 03:30:35 PMHey Dante, why do you want them together? Looks?
Yes, purely for looks. I don't want the orange thingy between the other two. Honestly, it's in a basement now, so it's never going to overheat. That rig is in retirement, I'm using my H&K and my MP-1 Classic


Guess what? My B200s is the same volume in each channel now! :banana:

I reflowed the solder on the 4 jacks and the two volume knobs. Just the PCB boards - it took me 10 minutes. Now, the amp is good as new.

We got some geniuses around here - helped me fix TWO amps now. My 3rd one is fine (fingers crossed)

@Harley - I completely forgot to look at the resistors while I was in there :facepalm: I remembered when I got back in this thread to brag about my amp being fixed

Harley Hexxe


If you aren't getting any unusual buzz or humming noise from the amp, or weird popping or crackling noises, then you're probably okay.

When looking at resistors, there's really two things you're looking for; discoloration on the resistor itself, or any dark spots under the resistor on the pcb. This would indicate the resistor is getting hot and might be close to failing. They do get warm in operation, and sometimes, they can damage the pc board. I usually replace something like that when I see it with another resistor, but I'll solder it higher off the board to keep the heat away from it and surrounding components.

Just a tip I picked up from an old amp tech.

I'm glad you got the other two amps working though. :thumb-up:
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!


Thanks Harley, I'll be on the lookout

Actually, a light crackle started in Channel B of my MT-200. It's very light and comes & goes. I'll be in there next

That answered my question as to what that noise is.

LOVING the B200s. It makes a killer amp head in a 2u rack. Like a slave amp. Heavy too, like a brick


Hey Dante, great news :woohoo2: :thumb-up: .  They are a reliable workhorse.  Mine has been going strong ever since I re-flowed it ~8 years ago and gave me many years of great service/gigs prior to that.
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few


It's a glorious amp - perfect for the modeler

Harley Hexxe


Something you might want to do if you get into the amp, would be to use a multimeter to check the values of the resistors. They are old, and they could have drifted out of tolerance. If I recall correctly, the gold band is for 20% tolerance, and the silver band is for 10% tolerance.

Also, if you do have to replace any of them, pay attention to what type of resistor they are, i.e. carbon, metal film, etc. Try to use the same type for replacements.
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!


I will do that, I have a tester I never use, except for continuity tests and reading Pickup resistance

Check out this handy tool to figure out what to order ;)

Harley Hexxe

That looks like a cool tool, but I'm red/green colorblind. So, I use the schematics or layout to look up the listed values, and check with a multimeter.
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!