I have had my MC-1 since 1990 and got this idea on an original adadepot forum thread about 2007. Here is my MC-1 with metal switches instead of those damn red ones that always break.
Hey parisblue1, cool pedal board :thumb-up: , In over 30 years ish, I've never managed to brake the red buttons (MC1 now MXC) LOL, nice mod though. I would say though that the MC1 switches got a bit sticky over time (to many pubs/bars LOL), my MXC is still going strong though (much better design IMO).
Did the same to my MXC pedal but the red ones give a better look IMO.
Nice work, the switches look great!!!!! Makes the pedal look more expensive and built with craftsmanship :)
I'm with MJMP here, I like the red ones better, but they did get a little sticky in my old MC-1, tried to keep the drinks out of them LOL
I agree the red ones look better and are good for home studio use, but I tend to have a hard food on stage and have several non working ones between my 3 ADA pedals. I'm going to do this with my MXC. Does anyone got a part number on those steel buttons or maybe a Mouser catalog number so I can be lazy and not do my research? Ha! I assume Carlin switches are the go-to for this?
Quote from: MarshallJMP on February 19, 2015, 07:00:21 AM
Did the same to my MXC pedal but the red ones give a better look IMO.
I use the Carlins, but they are not cheap. The cost was as muc as I payed for the pedal :facepalm:
Carling SPST SW110