Miscellaneous > Rants & Raves

The FUTURE (Current) Depot


Hey Dante!

I was wondering if you had a plan about the technical side of the depot we used to have.

Do you plan on having a parallel platform where we will be able to post
all schematics, product pictures, etc?
You know, data that doesn't need to be followed by sixteen pages of dumb comments.
Because installing that type of stuff in a forum would seem to me being a bit chaotic.

I'm open to any/all suggestions. I think if I mark certain posts a particular way, they cannot be commented on....I'm still learning, but I'll snoop around a bit to see if that's the case.

I have some schematics already, and some of the MP-1 mods, I simply haven't posted them yet. I was gonna let MJMP peruse them all to see if any are irrelevant. I guess I could just post them and remove anything that is crap. (thinking out loud here)

On a side note, I got a custom ADA Depot icon to appear next to our web address in the address bar  :whoohoo!:

EDIT: Check out the 'Let's Get Technical' section, there is a LOCKED post in the Mods child board. People cannot comment on them when they're locked.  :banana-rock:

I added the Battery Mod, I'll add some more later  :thumb-up:

El Chiguete:
Yes please bring back the old site with all the info of the old units and new info on the new ADA products  :homer:

I read a post that someone has all the html pages from the old site, probably just need to set them up and link to the forum from there ?


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