Miscellaneous > Introduce Yourself

Hello Everyone.....


Don't have as much time as before to crawl around the guitar forums, but just wanted to stop by, say hello, and see what everyone was up to these days......

I haven't done much of anything for about six or seven months now, and I've really enjoyed the break.  In January I hope to be starting up a Foreigner tribute band, as well as collaborating with two singers I recently met. 

....it will be good to get back on stage again. 

Music-wise, I have pretty much completed my "Hans Zimmer-influenced phase" and returned to my roots.  I'm back to listening to Jeff Loomis as well as Keith Merrow.  They have definitely sent me back to the woodshed. 

Peter H. Boer:
Welcome back  :D

Hey davem, welcome back, great to hear you have some playing/performing projects on the boil

Welcome Back, Dave. It's great to see you, brother


Hey Davem

Good to hear from you:thumb-up:


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