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MB-1 / Re: MB-1, B500B,...
Last post by Andi K - Today at 06:43:28 AM
Thinking about an additional 1x15 for bi-amping.
Some time ago i was able to repair a MP-1 Classic die to this Forum  :thumb-up:
MB-1 / Re: MB-1, B500B,...
Last post by Harley Hexxe - Today at 04:15:26 AM
Welcome to the Depot Andi K,  :wavingsmiley:

  Nice score! I have one of those setups for my bass guitar too. A great bass amp :thumb-up:
MB-1 / MB-1, B500B,...
Last post by Andi K - February 15, 2025, 11:17:31 PM
Had to pick this up locally  :adabig:

Original MP-1 / Re: How to erase programs 30-1...
Last post by carv - February 14, 2025, 01:57:46 PM
Thank you very much mate, appreciated
Original MP-1 / Re: How to erase programs 30-1...
Last post by rnolan - February 13, 2025, 11:45:37 PM
Hey Carv, there is a "feature" called Memory Protect you can turn on to stop unwanted changes to your patches (say some one futz with them at a gig or whatever).  However, I just looked at the MP-1 version 1 manual (as you have the original 1.38 EPROM/firmware) and I found no reference to Memory Protect, so it may have been introduced later in the v2.x firmware :crazy:  Page 10 of the version 2 manual talks about Memory Protect.  You can try those instructions and see if your 1.38 firmware supports it.

Which manual version did you read ??  If it was the version 2 manual, you don't have that firmware so that may be why the reset didn't work?

Ideally you should update the EPROM to v2.01 you can buy one from MJMP (MJMP Mod Shop).  It gives you store/save to PC functionality and adds a bunch more factory patches.

Meantime, if you want to bulldoze the programs there's a couple of ways to do it (they involve taking off the lid).  Remove the memory battery and re-insert (this is assuming you've had the battery mod done and there is a battery holder, if the memory battery is soldered to the PCB then you can't do this easily and you "should" do the battery mod (also available from MJMP))  The battery is located just above the power transformer.

OR Refer to the v2.00 install and release notes (attached) and locate the v1.38 EPROM (it will have a sticker on top saying v1.38).  Follow the instructions to remove the EPROM (very carefully, don't bend the pins) and put  it back in, that will also erase all non factory programs/patches.

The battery is there to keep your stored programs alive in the RAM chip, turning off the battery power (battery removal/failure (when it goes flat) or removal of the EPROM) erases all user stored data i.e. all the patches.  You will need to reload factory default programs after this.  They are still on the EPROM and will be loaded into RAM.

Note: blank MP-1 programs are "totally" blank. When you bring one up, there will be nothing, no sound until you turn up the master, OD1/2 etc.
Original MP-1 / Re: MP1 - Master Clipping LED ...
Last post by rnolan - February 13, 2025, 10:47:26 PM
Hey Carv, they should only lite up if there's lots of signal.  They are clipping warning leds, not signal level leds as such.  IIRC in the manual it tells you the threshold of when they will come on.  They are there to tell you that "that" section of the circuit is close to or is clipping, thus get you to reduce the level in that part of the circuit to prevent distortion (clipping distortion as opposed to tube distortion that we love...LoL)

It may mean yours are not working? but I don't remember anyone having an issue with MP-1 leds.  If you turn everything to max in a patch (OD1, OD2, Master, Bass/mid/treb/pres) and give it a full input from a humbucker I suspect you should see some action on the leds.  If not that would indicate they are not working.

But in normal operation, with good gain structure in your patches, they shouldn't come on at all.  So yes that's normal (maybe I should have said that first LoL)
Original MP-1 / Re: How to erase programs 30-1...
Last post by carv - February 13, 2025, 02:55:39 PM
Sorry not sure what that means :/ completely new to ADA or any rack so kindly let me know on a step-by-step basis if possible :)
Original MP-1 / Re: How to erase programs 30-1...
Last post by Harley Hexxe - February 13, 2025, 12:27:09 PM
Check to see if memory protect is on.
Original MP-1 / Re: MP1 - Master Clipping LED ...
Last post by carv - February 13, 2025, 02:10:06 AM
Just to add on the above, what if the leds on the front panel NEVER even blink? I've tried multiple presets at many different volumes etc, and I never get any of these to even light up a little bit - is that normal? every other rack effect I have shows you very clearly on a db scale what your input is and if you are clipping or not
Original MP-1 / How to erase programs 30-128??...
Last post by carv - February 13, 2025, 01:45:59 AM
Hello guys, I recently got my first ADA MP1 and is amazing! My version is 1.38, so it has 29 preset programs and a  total capacity of 128. However, I was expecting that numbers 30 to 128 would be empty for me to save whatever I wanted to, which is not the case. I read the manual, clicked "Store" then "Bank" and while holding "Bank" I pressed number 1, which in theory does a factory reset. However that did not erase programs 30 to 128. Could somebody help me please? thank you