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Nembrini Audio ADA MP1 plugin.

Started by vmaxvmax, October 12, 2023, 04:03:13 AM

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Nembrini audio have an interesting ADA MP1 plugin...

I have it and it works well and sounds good with Logic X. The graphics echo the original and it also come with some ir's for cabinet and power amp. It can also load ir's.


I am not connected with Nembrini. I do own an original ADA MP1 (it has done many, many of gigs over the years) which I bought new...


Hey vmax, looks really cool and, from their supported "DAW" list will interface (plugin) to most of the popular recording software.  Also nice to get a  :thumb-up: from a MP-1 owner, the site reviews all say it's good but of course you never know if they just make them up  :facepalm:

I have a bit of a bug up my ar#e the way the term DAW is used these days.  All the things it works with are actually recoding software, not DAWs.  Stricktly, a DAW is a stand alone bit of hardware that includes all the I/O, mixer etc. and some recording software built in.  It seems the term has morphed into a DAW "setup" comprised of a computer (with recording software installed), and typically an external audio I/O device (as the audio I/O on PCs is generally pretty shit), and then some form of monitors. 

Can you store programs/patches and then change patches on it in real time while you are recording/playing with it? e.g. with a midi pedal.  Or do you have to run up a sound each time you use it?
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few


I don't honestly know... I didn't try that but maybe I'll give it a shot over the next few days... I don't tend to use midi controls when recording! I am an old fashioned player and I tend to use recording software is if using a multi-track tape machine! Clearly I use a midi system for my 'real' MP1 - but for recording I tend to use a new track for each different sound...

The plugin sounds good though I haven't tried a direct A/B test with my hardware unit - I might give that a shot too over the next few days.

I bought it on 'spec' as it was not too expensive - I felt the risk was worth a punt.

Harley Hexxe

I've had that for several months now, but I haven't been able to open it in Cubase.

It's setup as a plugin like a virtual pedal effect or something similar. For $40 USD, it's not a bad price even if it ends up just being a close approximation.
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!


Hey vmax, same for me, I use protools like a digital tape recorder and would also do a new track for each sound.  I wonder can you store the settings for a patch though so you can use it again later in another session? 

@Harley, well that's not good, it says it works with Qubase.  It seems it supposed to operate as a standard VST plug-in.
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few


Yes save as usual via the plugin save and load dropdown. The plugin also has a save folder system that I can't quite work out at the moment...


Here is a great YouTube test of the plugin from the aussie MP1 fanatic, Leon Todd:
He takes it through its paces quite comprehensively.

Edit (rnolan): the clip doesn't seem to work anymore so paste this into your browser instead if you have a problem


Ah yes I was wondering about that, I remembered he'd done a plugin review (posted here before) but I dindn't recall it's name, but I wondered if it was the same one.
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few


There are other reviews on the plugin too.

I hadn't realised how 'in vogue' the MP1 is at the moment! Lots of YouTube video reviews - mostly surprised at how good it is. A surprise in itself as the unit has been around since before a lot of its fans were born!

Harley Hexxe

Quote from: vmaxvmax on October 18, 2023, 12:02:42 AM
There are other reviews on the plugin too.

I hadn't realised how 'in vogue' the MP1 is at the moment! Lots of YouTube video reviews - mostly surprised at how good it is. A surprise in itself as the unit has been around since before a lot of its fans were born!

So have Fender, Marshall, and Vox, and ADA belongs right up there with them :thumb-up:
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!


Hey not that I've tried everything that's out there, I still maintain that the ADA pre amps are the best guitar and bass pramps ever.  I got to a point where I wondered what I would buy if my MP-2 died. There was nothing  :facepalm: , the new stuff was ok, but  :dunno: , so I started buying MP-2s.... I think I have 5 now, just in case.  The MP-1 was my first ADA, and my friend still has it.
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few

Harley Hexxe


Before ADA started making the MP-1, I was using Fender and Marshall amps. I still had my first amp at the that time too which was a Vox, but I didn't use it much, as I liked the tones and power from the Fenders and Marshalls.

I still use my Fender amps, even with my ADA rig sometimes, and I can probably get most of the same tones from the Cyber amps these days. Even though they get great tones, they still can't touch the ADA effects, although the CD can get really close. So, I don't really need to drag my rack rigs out to a gig, but it's fun to do when the hippie fests come around. I'm all set for outdoor gigs.

Just sayin'
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!

Harley Hexxe

You know, I was just thinking after I posted that reply, there are a brand of amps you might like that you would have easier access to in Australia, than I would here in the US. That would be Ceriatone.

Nick has been making some really killer amps for affordable prices that I think you might like. You should check them out.

I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!


Hey Harley, the Ceriatones look very interesting, he has heaps of different models.
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few

Harley Hexxe

Hey Richard,

They are very well built in general, with just a few cheap parts her and there, like the IEC fixture for one. Maybe a fuse holder too, but these can be replaced with better quality parts pretty easily.

As for the circuitry and the built quality, it's top shelf work all the way through, and the components are very good quality. My only beef with these amps is that Nick uses JJ tubes in all of them. I would order one without tubes and just get good quality tubes, then have then installed and biased by a good amp tech.

There are plenty of videos on YT about these amps.
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!