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So, I finally got a Modeler

Started by Dante, December 24, 2024, 12:44:40 PM

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Harley Hexxe

Yeah, there's definitely a difference there.

The low mids are definitely scooped a bit, and some of the highs seem to be cut as well.

So my question now would be: can you tweak the EQ in the Ampero to put back what seems to be missing?

If it does that, then it's a good modeling alternative for a fly-rig. Not a perfect one by any stretch of the imagination, but still a good one. :thumb-up:
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!


I don't think anything is missing in the Tone Catch, I think it sounds better than the actual preamp. A bit different, sure, but better in the overall 'girth' of the tone. The Scooped mids are in the real preamp! haha

I can, of course, assign an EQ to the Catch and make it sound like the preamp. I also have the ability to turn UP or DOWN the gain amount...which is nice. See the screenshot below for all the adjustments I have. It was flatlined for the recording

It's close, not exact, but I can totally get some useable tones out of this thing, so I guess that part is a success. I gotta say, the Tone Catch of the MP1 Classic sounds better than the models of amps in there, the saturation is smoother, like a tube.

Harley Hexxe

Now that's very useful :thumb-up:

With that EQ option, you can take out anything extra or add anything missing to make it sound like what it does out of the actual machine.

I think I see what you were talking about with the capture bank. It looks like you can save your captures in banks of 10. That would be a great way to capture all the ADA preamps and save them in their own groupings, and I would imagine that includes the MB-1 as well.

This tool is starting to gain some traction with me  :wink:
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!

Harley Hexxe

Well folks, I'm at a crossroads. :dunno:

I like what the Ampero here can do, but I'm still on the fence about what to get for an amp-less rig.

It seems to be between this and the Fender Tone Master Pro.

I know the Tone Master Pro can't do captures, but then again, I can write presets with it from the ground up which is typically what I do with any modeler. I know that with my ADA gear, I'm basically writing presets that start by using a very well-known amp, and I add whatever effects I want with it to suit my needs for a particular song. So, that's where my dilemma lies, do I get something that can capture my ADA preamp tones, or, do I just get something that I can write presets from the tones I'm emulating with my ADAs?

Talk about option paralysis :crazy:
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!


Welcome to First World Problems ;)

You can't go wrong with either one. I really like that Fender unit too - it was high on my list too.

From my experience with the Ampero; it can be finniky. It likes other Ampero pedals, switches....Boss switches, not so much. If you get the Ampero, be prepared to buy an Ampero Press for your Wah, unless you just run an external wah.

Writing patches in the Ampero is quick and easy, but you can spend a lot of time trying out amps/cabs/etc. It can be a time suck. However, many of the models sound great as soon as you add them.

I have no experience with the Fender, but it looks very cool.

Harley Hexxe

I appreciate the heads-up on the potential rabbit holes with the Ampero, and the finicky part. I think anything like this can seem finicky until you understand the programming flow of it well enough. Case in point, my experience with the MP-2s and how long they sat in a closet until I made time to figure out the programming and the quirks of the preamp, then it became a breeze after that.

Even with the Tone Master Pro, I would need to get the Mission expression pedal for the wah tones in that. The reason I don't already have one of those is because when it first came out many of the amp models were really disappointing. The Marshall models sounded shrill and scratchy, the 5150 was dark and obscure, the Bogner model was seriously too dark and muddy, etc.

Fender has been listening to the feedback and has been working hard to correct these things and now, so many of those are sounding really close to the original amps. (Even my Cyber-Twin SE had a better sounding model of the 5150 than the TMP). For the money Fender is asking for that modeler, they'd better be listening.
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!


UPDATE: So, last night we had a big ol' jam with lots of folks, it was great fun. Guys I haven't seen in years showed up with stories (some of which I'd rather forget).

Anyhoo, I ran direct all night. Previously, I ran myself into an amp while running direct, not last night. All PA, all the time.

I was pleasantly surprised. I've been tinkering with all my tones the last couple weeks running the Ampero into my B200s into a 1x12 with an EV Force speaker (Full range 8ohms/150w) for the cleanest possible sound. It worked!

That saves me from buying a stage monitor or an FRFR cab....that I don't wanna carry. One thing that surprises me, running through the PA, I can get good feedback. I didn't expect that, but if I just stand there, it'll swell up on some patches. I can coax it out in front of the monitor too - very cool. I noticed that at my first gig, but thought it was just that gigantic PA they have.

My tones were great last night. One of the guys we jam with is a tube amp purist, he brought his Two Rock and it was LOUD but very clean. I had no problem keeping up and blending in. We dialed in a great 'Spaghetti Western' tone with the Ampero last night, based on his Trem pedal and whatever Reverb he had going. Mine sounds great - warm gain, cleans up nice with the volume rolloff, lots of wide reverb and a wiggly trem. It works great for Surf music too

So, overall, I'm happy with the unit despite it's quirks and weirdness....it didn't cost me $1,000 like all the other modelers, so I'm stoked there too. It's a great way to get your feet wet in the modeling world without breaking the bank

If anyone on here buys one, go check out their forum. It's nowhere as great as this one (of course), but I put my tone captures on there, one for the MP1 Classic. Download it there, or just PM me and I'll send it to you

Harley Hexxe

Now, this is all very useful information for anyone considering a capable fly-rig that can be used with or without an amp.

It's also making it a little harder to choose for me personally, just because I've been such a long-time devotee of Fender amps, and the ones I have all deliver.

Ampero for a reasonable price range, or Tone Master Pro for about $1000 USD more? Hmmm... :dunno:

(Maybe it's time for ADA to come back and introduce their own unit like this with their entire history of preamps, power amps, and effects built-in). :adabig:   
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!


Last night, we jammed again - I plugged into the PA again - it worked fine again

So, now that I have a rig that doesn't require an amp....what do I do with the FOUR amps I have? haha


Quote from: Dante on February 02, 2025, 11:18:42 AMSo, now that I have a rig that doesn't require an amp....what do I do with the FOUR amps I have? haha
Good question. You could sell them? or just hang onto them.
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few

Harley Hexxe


   Like everything else, fads seem to come and go, and eventually, everything comes full circle.

   Think of rack gear. There was a time when you didn't want to mention rack gear in the 90s because that would get you shunned by the guitar community, the same thing for anything with the word "programmable" in the name. Now, programmable is the only way to go, so all the jugheads who only want the guitar, amp and cable setup have either gone with the flow, or they are flipping burgers at McDonalds.

   There's nothing like the sound and feel of a killer amp rig behind you. So, I see this as a fad that will come back around to amplifiers again.
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!


I think you're right Harley,  there seems to be a slight resurgence of rack gear lately,  which is nice

On another note entirely,  I tried these settings and they are pretty convincing (now, if i could just play like this)


Quote from: Harley Hexxe on February 03, 2025, 03:28:48 AMThere's nothing like the sound and feel of a killer amp rig behind you. So, I see this as a fad that will come back around to amplifiers again.
+1 :thumb-up:
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few

Harley Hexxe


 Yeah, look at the Soldano X-88 that was recently reissued. I remember wanting one of those in the late 90s, but couldn't afford the $4000 USD price tag. I haven't bothered to look how much they are going for these days.
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!


Those things are still outta my price range, but I sure would love to try one out (don't wanna carry a rack big enough for it tho - I'm beyond that).

My current 'head' is a 2u rack with one 1u amp, and a spacer :grin: 

TBH, I'd rather have my B200s in that rack, but I have it in a 4u rack with my MP-2 and the ol' Boss GX700. It's permanently at the practice studio. I figured it's safer to leave the solid state amp there in case somebody else plays through it....whatever, the MT200 is lighter than the B200s, so yay