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Original MP-1 / Re: MP-1 Phantom Power
Last post by Chase42147 - Today at 06:06:57 PM
Ohh yeah that would make more sense, that does seem like a better system
B500B (G500S) / Re: ADA G500S
Last post by Harley Hexxe - Today at 03:24:43 PM

   There's no place near me that would let me play an amp that loud. Why do you think my PS 400 just sits in a corner with its cover on? That amp can make your eardrums bleed at 90 paces.

   I already have the B500B with my bass rig.

  Besides, I like the tone from the MT100s and I have a few of them. That's more than I can play in any clubs around here, (I still do it anyway even if they bitch about it).
Guitars / Re: New guitar build
Last post by Harley Hexxe - Today at 03:17:54 PM
Hey Richard,

   It's possible I might build a tele-styled guitar, but probably not. There are a lot of imitator companies out there building the same thing, and they're probably cheaper than it would cost me to get the parts to put one together. Some different pickups, and maybe a bit of hardware swap, and it's there.

   That is why I mentioned the Epiphone "V" in another post. I can pick up one of those cheap, and swap pickups, maybe pots. I've never had a "V" so that would be a different flavor for me. We'll see what develops.

   I've been ordering a lot of luthier supplies from Stewmac lately, and I'm getting into doing my own setups and fine tuning and finishing. A few more tools and I'd probably have all I'd need to build a guitar. To be honest, There IS a guitar I've been wanting to build for years using the Burns Tri-Sonic pickups that I've had sitting in a bookcase for 10 years now, and I think I have a pretty good idea what I want it to look like.

   Do you remember I mentioned the 1985 Fender Performer guitar a couple of years ago? After looking at it again and again, I wondered if I built that body style with a 24-fret neck and added a whammy bar and used those pickups, how would that turn out? I still have a few details to sort out in my mind, but that seems like a good direction to go in.
Basses / Re: Recommendation for Bass St...
Last post by Harley Hexxe - Today at 02:37:00 PM
Well, that's really slick Peter,

  I know it's a lot better than me trying to build one. I don't have a clue how to play it let alone build one.

  It's cool that you know how to use them.  :thumb-up:
Rants & Raves / Re: what are you listening to ...
Last post by Kim - Today at 02:13:29 PM
Well. I'll tell you what I've been listening to lately, not necessarily just "this week".  :grin:

I'm primarily a Metalhead.  But damn, do I ever love some other non-Metal stuff too.  I'll bring for your Consideration here, Siouxsie and the Banshees.

I first heard them when I was in High School (you know... that time when ALL the cool music is discovered, right?) and was really hooked straight away.  The album was "Peepshow" and it was quirky. And damn near epic.  Epicaly quirky?  Quirkily epic? I loved it!  Later on, I found the other albums and was not disappointed.  Some of the music feels very guitar-driven for not being at the harder end of Rock, and some of it doesn't....it's kind of all over the map yet without straying into a lane they probably shouldn't be in.  You know....quirky.  lol
And her Voice!  Siouxsie Sioux can sing whatever she wants and is one of the best to do that, IMO.  Their first album...more of a Punk style vocals but after that she really developed and grew.  I love everything about her. 

So anyhoo, here's a clip from the first album, and then a few more recent ones. 

Quote from: Kazinator on Today at 11:37:11 AM
Quote from: Loktite on Today at 10:52:30 AMBest way to learn something is to mess up and ask questions, right?

If that something is an ADA MP-1, I cannot fully agree. They don't make those any more!  :cry:

Careful with those traces. When you are pulling out parts, the top pads and traces can be torn off. Apply heat from the component side and tug gently. There are special soldering iron tips for heating all the pins of an IC at the same time, from the component side.

Usually removed components are discarded, so you don't have to worry about damaging them, only the board.

I am being a bit cavalier with that statement, I apologize if I've caused concern for the well-being of my preamp. I am a persistent person and follow repairs through to the end even if it takes a lot of troubleshooting.
Rack Gear / Re: Synergy Preamp Modules
Last post by Dante - Today at 12:08:01 PM

Quote from: Zilthy on Today at 08:31:11 AMThey REALLY need to make an MP-1 pre for the Synergy. I think I have said that before.
I was thinking that
Quote from: Loktite on Today at 10:52:30 AMBest way to learn something is to mess up and ask questions, right?

If that something is an ADA MP-1, I cannot fully agree. They don't make those any more!  :cry:

Careful with those traces. When you are pulling out parts, the top pads and traces can be torn off. Apply heat from the component side and tug gently. There are special soldering iron tips for heating all the pins of an IC at the same time, from the component side.

Usually removed components are discarded, so you don't have to worry about damaging them, only the board.
Quote from: Kazinator on Today at 12:09:59 AM
Quote from: Loktite on October 20, 2024, 01:01:08 PMI'm a bit confused because U9 only shows 3 lines coming from it and there are 8 pins.

U9 has two op-amps, which you can see close together in the schematic.

Sometimes in schematics, that's not the case; amps on the same IC may be shown far apart due to the way its drawn.

A practice you often see (not here though!) is letter designations, like U9A and U9B to label the A and B op-amps of IC U9.

You can see that the two U9 op-amps cover pins 1, 2, 3 (A) and 5, 6, 7 (B).

Only pins 4 and 8 are not shown. Those are the power pins; we can deduce that IC is on the same dual voltage supply (+ and - 15V) along with numerous other ICs.

Thanks for the explanation. Best way to learn something is to mess up and ask questions, right? When you say the voltage on top of the resistor (R103) what do you mean? I thought I was measuring that when I tested the components.
Last post by duecemfhatchet - Today at 09:53:02 AM
Was this problem figured out cuz mines doing the same thing.