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eBay tricksters and the ibanez standoff ...

Started by Batsinthebelltower, April 06, 2014, 09:32:14 PM

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Hey ADAers !  :wave:

So i have my ESP MII on ebay currently - i was hoping to sell it and switch to a black Ibanez RG3550mz . I currently own the white rg3550mz , so itd be cool to have the set , and after buying the ESP , i now know i prefer Ibanez ...

There is now an RG3550mz in black on a secondhand store ebay for £899... I asked for a direct trade , my ESP (£1500) , for their Ibanez (£1100 retail £899 secondhand)

They responded saying "send us £150 too  , and you gotta deal" 

What do you guys think ? I think theyre asking a lot , that would be My mint condition esp with retail tags intact @£1500 plus £150 = £1650 , for their £1100/£899 Ibanez "with a few dings"  .... Im gonna call them tomorrow and see if i cant talk them down a bit ; a direct trade would be perfect ...... Wish me luck !!  :banana-guitar:


I think they are being a bit greedy, a direct trade would be fair IMO, actually, they do well from the trade price wise.  Good Luck  :thumb-up:
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few


A thought, can you sell your ESP and buy a new Ibenez ? or is that model no longer available ?
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few


Quote from: rnolan on April 06, 2014, 11:01:19 PM
A thought, can you sell your ESP and buy a new Ibenez ? or is that model no longer available ?

You got it man - no longer available ! 

Update : So im just off the phone with them ....  The guy who made me an offer of my ESP plus £150 is now away on holidays for a week ; and the fellow i dealt with cannot change the offer he first made .... talk about a standoff ! lol !  :facepalm:

I said the most i can do is a direct trade plus £50 .... he sounded semi convinced, and is emailing me specific photos of the ibanez now , as there are " a few dings"

I guess based on these pics , i will decide what to do - my ESP auction on ebay also ends tomorrow night, so if it sells even at the cheapest price of £899, it will cover the cost of the ibanez plus free shipping ..... dayumn im excited !  :banana-trip:


 :whoohoo!: new toy coming soon  :thumb-up: .  If it's got some wear, (a few dings are fine (depending...)) to the extent you can, (hard from pics) make sure the necks not warped etc.  How to do this with pics... see if you can get them to take (as high res as practical) a side on shot from each side of the neck while holding/pressing down the E (closest to the camera) at the 1st fret and the fret where it joins the body (i.e. check the neck relief; as now you have the bottom of the string being a straight edge between the top of these 2 frets), your looking for about a business card gap over the 5th, 7th and 9th frets.  If the neck is warped, it should be noticeable as one side will/may be quite different to the other.  Sighting down the neck from the nut is another check but generally not as reliable.
Hope it works out for you !!
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few