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ADA Viper Overhaul

Started by StanSki, May 02, 2018, 02:23:50 PM

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Used the afternoon today to recon the inside of my Viper combo. As many here are well aware, I adopted this from Kim with the Red Channel 'out'. I've also had problems with cab sim, but one thing at a time.

First, after removing the guts from the cabinet, I gave the bottom of the main board a good, close inspection for anything that might cause trouble. Nothing burnt, cracked, pealing, or bulged, Nothing obvious.

I think one of the main issues is aged potentiometers and switches. All of them have been showing signs of dirt and decay in sweep and function. I gave everything a real good cleaning and then fired it up after a short drying period. Some of the pots were still jumpy in their sweeps and the master volumes were downright obnoxious. Turning them 1 to 3 was like turning them 1 to 10 to 3, if you know what I mean. The drive, boost and tone pots are crunchy and inconsistent as well.

OH! And the Red Channel DID work after the cleaning, that is until I switched between the Brown and Grind settings, which is when it reverted back to its 'barely there' volume. But for a little bit it was in Glorious mode so I got a taste of what could be.

The Cab Sim In/Out switch made a loud bump sound but did engage and I could use the other switches and pots to alter the settings until it too faded away. Which is better than the  deafening POPOPOPOPOPOPOP it usually makes when engaged.

I want to start by replacing ALL the pots and switches in this thing. That's 18 pots and 11 switches. If that doesn't cure it then I know it's not those. So it's going to be a while until this amp is ship-shape.
They say the eyes are the windows of the soul. I beg to differ. It's the ears , man. The ears.


Nice, let me know if I can help you out with anything?


Thanks MarshallJMP! It would sure help if I had a schematic with the pot values, and for other needs. Any idea if there is one available? I looked here on the forum but nothing caught my eye. I'm searching the webz now but everything is really, really small, not labeled, or unofficial looking and I don't trust those too much. Any suggestion would be a help. Cheers!
They say the eyes are the windows of the soul. I beg to differ. It's the ears , man. The ears.


Send me an email and I'll send you the schematics back. The ones I have a very good readable.