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Does Anyone Log In?

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20+ guests.... Does anyone ever log in and read their messages?

El Chiguete:
I log in automatically every time I get in the site...

I see the same 10 or so members logging in, guess everyone just checks the posts' from their mobile device without logging in. :dunno:

Members come and go, also time zone differences, what's happening in their lives etc. We also have an issue (yet to be solved) where some get email notifications and others don't. Occasionally I get site emails for a day then they stop again, where MJMP seems to always get site emails  :dunno:
Also some join to solve a problem and go quiet once it's sorted (or PM or email direct until it's sorted).
There's a pretty good trove of information on here now so like other forums I visit sometimes, I just read the posts and don't become a member, we have lots of guests just reading the posts they are interested in. If their question is answered already and they don't have anything to add, no need to join.
I read all the new posts and answer if I can add value or answer quickly just so the poster knows someone is paying attention. As I'm in Australia and generally log in every night after work, I tend to see posts (and often deal with them) while everyone else is sleeping. When I stay up late (early 4am playing the new JPLP for 3 hours straight  >:D ) I overlap some of the European members and see them log on, have a quick read and log off again.
I also do the new member approvals and check and clear the logs (or they get very big, like the Ban logs, particularly after the spam hit we took a while ago and the bots just keep trying). I also start a new topic from time to time to generate a bit of chat and interest for us all.

Guy's I was joking... wasn't expecting a long drawn out reply lol


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