ADA Power Amps > B200s

Does anyone on here have the user manual for the B200s?

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Ive been searching, but haven't had any luck finding the users manual for the B200s. Do any of you guys on have a link or a PDF of the original??


I have a bunch of schematics etc (which I think are posted on the forum) but not the user manual in digital form although it will be pretty short, the B200s is not a complicated device i.e. delivers ~80 watts per/chan into 8 ohm load and ~124 watts per chan into 4 ohm loud, is matched perfectly with MP1/2, very transparent, lots of grunt, and not too heavy in your rack.  Is there something in particular you want to find out ??? (~ = approximately BTW)

Manual attached.

Sparker, thank you!! you're the man  :bow: @rnolan thanks for the response, I always get hung up on impedance. I know the B200s has 8ohm outputs. I plan to run my MP-1 and B200s in stereo. I have two Marshall 1960a cabs that i want to use. They can be used @16 ohm or 4ohm mono. Would i be best off plugging each output into the 16ohm side of each cab or the 4ohm side? Thanks!!

You can use both,but it's best to use the 4 ohm,this way you will get 135W of output,with 16 ohm you will only get around 50-60W.


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