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2 Mesa Boogie Cab Clones, 16ohms 100watt ->SOLD<-

Started by McLeanAB, March 13, 2016, 07:21:16 AM

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Hey all!

I'm specifically looking to trade for a couple of items... I would love to know if anyone has:

EMG 66, 85, 81, 60, 60A
Mission Engineering EP-1 in RED
A couple of Celestion Creamback 75 or 65 watt
A couple of Celestion Vintage 30's
ADA Ampulator

Here's what they look like:

Hit me up!  Let me know!  I'll sell them outright for cheap, too... they are $299 new (each), so begin the lowballing!
ISP Theta Preamp, ISP Theta PRO, ISP Theta Combo and Vector 2x12 with Celestion Alnico Creams, and Charvel Wildcards with EMGs!


Not looking to trade it for your CabClone, but I do have an EMG 85 I'm looking to unload.     


Thanks Kim, for the in progress trade of my EMG 57 for an 85!  Enjoy that guy... it's a great pickup!

The two Mesa Boogie CabClones have been traded locally... for... (drum roll...)

A Marshall 4x12 1960av!!!  Booyah!!!

(I traded my 1x12 Avatar and an old iPad as well...)

But, this thing sounds great!!!  So, if you have two 65 watt Creambacks, I'd love to trade you two V30's!
ISP Theta Preamp, ISP Theta PRO, ISP Theta Combo and Vector 2x12 with Celestion Alnico Creams, and Charvel Wildcards with EMGs!