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MP2 starts out quiet but gets gradually more noisey

Started by h.e.l.shane, July 21, 2014, 10:39:10 PM

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OK.. so i did the noise mod..

and the thing sounded AMAZING.. 

for about five minutes...

then it gradually got louder and louder until the noise gate couldn't engage at max threshold..

This problem was there before I changed the caps..   but before it resulted in motor boating after a few minutes......


this sounds like something warming up and taking a crap....

I also changed out R913 and R611

Oh.. the only cap i didn't change was c911.. i forgot to order it.....

it gets so bad that after a while, it just sits there and hums, even with nothing plugged into it!

where do i start looking..

I gotta get this thing fixed..  I can't afford to buy another amp this year..  I bought this one and it was supposed to have been good ta go... nope...