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Microtube 200 with no output

Started by calan, October 01, 2015, 06:02:17 AM

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Hey calan, the MT200 is a hybrid amp so the tubes in it are two low noise 12AX7s, thus not particularly expensive ($20 - $30).  Probably the closest to the original tubes ADA used are the TADs that SC has posted about, you don't need them to be super high gain as their job is to feed the output transistors with a tube tone.  Most of the 12AX7 tubes we've posted about here will do the job. Have a read in the tube section for various opinions.  The Mullards I bark on about (long and short plate) are re-issues of the original Mullard HiFi tubes so also perfect for the job.
And if your tubes haven't been changed for a long time, it's certainly time to change them. Hopefully that will fix you problem (I suspect it will), but changing them can't hurt and sounds like they are long overdue for retirement.
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few