• Welcome to ADA Depot - A Forum To Support Users of ADA Amplification Gear.

Well, hello there. :)

Started by David Drake, January 16, 2022, 09:18:05 AM

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David Drake

HEY. I'm new to this location but a while back in 2003 ish (?) I began trying to uncover what FX my friend loaned me for a few weeks many years ago. I just couldn't replicate that sound and after many a day of searching my memory and the little information there was in the wild on the subject, I rediscovered it.

Turns out it was a A/DA unit. The S1000 Digital Delay and its Doubler setting. I found this on the Ultimate tone web site Via a few members that migrated to the Depot with Jur and I believe are still here. I believe it was Kim that told me about a site another member was making that was going to be dedicated to ADA equipment and the admin may have a chance to get some nos parts and further info about said gear.

When the sight was online, I joined and lurked around and bought bits and pieces to fix an MC-1 the Depot led me to after scoring my stock v1.38 MP-1.  My title at the time was CyberKane and I didn't post much as I didn't type at all at the time but I did buy gear and stuff from Jurrie. He hooked me up with parts and ideas on building my ground control 1 for my future ADA rack.

After the sad event of Jur's passing and the sites crash I recognized Dante from a FB post on ADA Amplifications and later he hooked me up with a cool Viper amp. I honestly thought the sight crashed, became #too and then crashed forever?
Anyway, I'm rambling let me wrap this up.  I'm glad to be back and delighted to see many names I recognize from my introduction to ADA gear several years go. :)



Hey David, welcome back  :wave: :thumb-up:
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few