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GuitarFetish - GFS pickups

Started by Dante, February 14, 2022, 03:28:21 PM

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I admit, I'm cheap. I'm always looking for a bargain.

Why spend $80 (or more) for a Seymour Duncan when you can get a quality pickup that sounds as good (if not better than) for half the price? No really...it can happen. I found GuitarFetish.com some time ago, looking for parts for a busted P-bass. Well, they have pretty darn good parts and that includes pickups.

Need a SD Jazz pickup for the neck? Try the GFS Classic II Alnico 2. I have 2 now, they are a bit more open sounding to my ears, while retaining that warm clean tone that's perfect for the Funk.
Need a hot JB pickup for the bridge? Try the GFS VEH Vintage Extra Hot - it's supposed to be a 'EVH Brown Sound' pickup...and I guess it sounds a good deal like Eddie on VH2, in the D.O.A. intro/rhythm parts specifically. It nails that. It's got the bite of a JB with the sizzle of a PAF, not too gainy, yet hot on top (hard to describe). Chords sound big and wide
Need a P90 that'll fit into a regular Humbucker hole? Try the Dream90! I have one in the bridge of my Vee and I love it. Can't wait to find a need for a neck PU so I can try one in there too. It's a great P90 snarl reminiscent of the Gibson models...really. They have other P90s too - check 'em out

Don't get me wrong, Seymour Duncan makes great pickups, I have a bunch and I'm not getting rid of them... I just find the GFS models very pleasing to my ear and cheap enough to try them out without feeling like I got ripped off, so that's what I've been putting into guitars lately that haven't been modified (yet)

Don't get me started on Warehouse Guitar Speakers (WGS)


Hey Dante, thanks for the tips  :thumb-up:   WGS hey do tell.
Studio Rig: Stuff; Live Rig: More Stuff; Guitars: A few