Non ADA Gear > Amps

Laney AOR Pro Tube

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Chip Roberts:

--- Quote from: Dante on July 29, 2017, 09:19:55 AM ---I've never tried one. I would just try pluggin directly into that thing at the shop. If you get a good clean tone, and the price is right, you should be fine.

I used to run my MP-1 into an old Carvin X100b head and it sounded great. It had a great clean tone. Shoulda seen the guys face when I tried it out. I turned the gain all the way down & he said "that's gonna be way too clean" haha. He didn't know I'd be plugging a preamp into it. Later, I got a B200s & have been rack mount every since

--- End quote ---

Dante, you've tried the X100B?  How did that jive with your MP1?  You can get them used for reasonably inexpensive prices here in the States.

I'm in Cali dude ;)

The x100b sounded great. It was a bit bright, but nothing I couldn't work with. I would highly recommend them, if you don't mind lugging them around. I chose the rackmount option & got a B200s, much lighter.

The Carvin TS100 is a good choice if you want to go tube and run stereo (which makes soo much difference with ADA rigs).  It's actually comparatively reasonably light for a 50w p/ch tube amp, but still heavy, goes with the territory. And I'd proffer a better option (in some ways) than using mono amp heads (but you NEED 2 heads!!).  That said MLMP runs 2 old Marshalls but just uses their power amp stages coz he likes them and it works for him.

Chip Roberts:
I'm new to the rack game and have so far had great results, but am always curious to try other things out and see what else I like.  Right now it's pretty bitchin' only having to make one trip to the car!  :thumb-up:

One trip to the car is good, I hear ya..  However, once you spark these things up in stereo, you'll never want to go back to mono, seriously  >:D .
With my B200s I had it in the main 8RU rack.  When I got the TS100, (coz B200 needed fixing), I put it in its own 2 RU rack coz it so heavy, and also keeps the heat out of the preamp rack.  Now I have a Carvin DCM200L in the rack so I have just one rack, one split stack (wired stereo), a lead case (includes the MXC and pedals) and one or two guitars... so a few trips to the car.  But easier than when I had 2 Marshalls, a 2 x 12, a quad box, a couple of pedals (delay, chorus) and their wall warts, and 2 guitars..


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