Non ADA Gear > Amps

NAD 90s Carvin Tube 100

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Harley Hexxe:
Het There SC,

      Welcome home, and welcome back to the Depot. It's good to see you again.

      Pretty neat trick, I didn't know those amps could take 6CA7's

Harley 8)

Welcome back my friend! So good to see you, thanks for checking in

Don't be a stranger

Hey SC, nice  :thumb-up: , those JJs look sweet. So as far as I remember, 6CA7s are much the same as EL34s, and what I used to put in my '73 Marshall 50. 

quote (The differences are nearly negligible. The 6CA7 was a North American built version of the Euro EL34.... If you find an original Sylvania 6CA7 you will find that it is built more like an American "Beam Tetrode" (like 6V6, 6L6) as opposed to a pure Pentode (EL84, EL34).) 

But then as we all know, even tubes of the same designation (e.g. 12AX7s) all sound different.


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