ADA Preamps > MP-2 Patches

Looking for RUSH patches - MP2 for songs

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Looking for RUSH patches - MP2 for songs

New World Man
Tom Sawyer
Fly By Night

Systematic Chaos:
Hi Satch,

you mean "recent" Alex Lifeson kinda tones.....? (H&K TriAmp & Switchblade/Coreblade, MB Mark V)
I would use Warm Hi-Gain as a starting point, dry to set the gain to your tastes. Then add Stereo Chorus and some Delay (1-2 repeats, 20% in the mix)....
That should give you that really lush sound that´s awesome when doing big open chords

Red Sector A Live

Whoever originally owned my MP-2 has two Lifeson patches programmed that I have not erased...that said, they don't quite get there...I will try and reprogram them and relay my info to you when I get them right.  What guitar will you be using for these?  I would think a Strat for early 80s era.  The instrument choice will greatly help my tweaking for your benefit.  (For that matter I need a Rush patch myself so I am not going completely out of my way on this)

You should also consider a semi-hollow body, for that 'open' sound. I'll try to whip up some patches over the 3-day weekend for you, using my ES-335 clone.

3 day weekend.. that's not fair LoL, is that a whole US thing or just a California thing ?

It's a Holiday we call Memorial Day, to remember all the poor souls that gave the ultimate sacrifice to 'preserve' our freedom. That's how the pitch goes. It's to memorialize fallen comrades in arms. I'm a Veteran, so I think of the friends I've lost and thank God (or the Gods) I'm here, considering all the stupid things I did in my youth.  :facepalm:


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