ADA Depot - A Forum To Support Users of ADA Amplification Gear

Miscellaneous => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: David Drake on July 11, 2023, 11:38:42 PM

Title: Been a minute
Post by: David Drake on July 11, 2023, 11:38:42 PM
Long time no post, due to health reason (98% blockage in and out of the Ole' time keeping ticker, along with a stroke knocked me to my knees for a min or two. Well in my damaged and thankfully (Our Creator blessed me) healing state and not expecting to leave the hospital a friend would visit me and hooked me up on searching the globe for ADA equipment via my laptop.

I found quite a bit of stuff for not a lot of cash and as it was my only enjoyment, I pretty much bought everything I came across with the only rule being that every purchase is made not because of what it is but because of actual rarity.

True apologies go out to Roland as I did everything but send him cash for a B500 we were talking about. but that's when I was hammered with this life altering event. At the time and still now the B500 is rare but not as rare as say A NOS Quad-tube, a Ampulator or i256 delay etc.
Anyway, I may not talk up a storm but as always, I'm lurking in the shadows and will speak up if I feel it is useful to a post.

I will have to post some pics of the great gear I have found when I get it all in the same place.
  Until then, Cheers.
Title: Re: Been a minute
Post by: rnolan on July 12, 2023, 12:34:50 AM
Hey David, well great to hear from you and very glad to hear you are on the mend (but sorry to hear of the blockages  :facepalm: ).
The B500B is (or soon to be) on it's way to a good home so not to worry  ;) .  Also turns out the B500B and G500S are basically the same (even though the manuals say they are different), you don't see too many G500S's around either (I only ever saw one in Australia), and both have the same basic circuit (tone) as the B200S, just a bunch more watts  >:D (and a cooling fan). 

Looking forward to seeing the pics  :thumb-up:
Cheers Richard  :wave:
Title: Re: Been a minute
Post by: Harley Hexxe on July 12, 2023, 12:51:15 PM
Hey Dave,

Best wishes for a full recovery.

I don't think i256 delays are that rare, as I bought a couple of them off evil-bay within the last year or two. Keep looking, you'll see them. I like the "i" series, they do a lot of things very well.

Harley 8)
Title: Re: Been a minute
Post by: Dante on July 13, 2023, 08:49:05 AM
Hi Dave,

I had no idea this was happening - really glad you're doing better now.

Story time: My dad stopped at a kiosk in the mall for an EKG scan just for fun and they immediately asked who his cardiologist was....he said he didn't have one. They called his primary care doc, and he was admitting himself to the hospital the next day under Doc's orders. He felt fine.

Doc scheduled him for a TRIPLE BYPASS surgery that day. The next day, surgery over, huge seam in his chest, we found out he had FIVE bypasses in all. Holy moly.

That little 'fun' EKG saved his life, I am forever grateful.