Non ADA Gear > Amps

Good power amp suggestions for MP1

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--- Quote from: StillClimbing on May 27, 2020, 10:06:08 AM ---So how did the Koch end up sounding both live and practice/home?

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  Well both live and practice it sounds amazing.  It felt amazing too.  Limited eq adjustment and what have you, but I run both switches off, one for boosting lo end the other for hi end.  It compares to my Peavey Classic 50/50 for feel.  Sounds great too.  I love it a lot and man the weight, I was able to take it on as hand luggage on a plane as it's only 6 kilos.  So I got a two rack shallow case on a plane and had the poweramp in that along with my boss gx700.  I used a Ibanez TK999HT as my preamp that show.

So you ditched the Peavey for the Koch? And is that what you still use? I had considered the Peavey 50/50 as well but was unsure of the weight in a rack.


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