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My Classic is gettin' noisy

Started by Dante, August 04, 2016, 08:23:29 PM

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Harley Hexxe

Now that's something to make a mental note of for future reference!

    The cable issue would be one of the first things to look at, especially with a rack system, because you are always dealing with more cables than you would be if it were just a simple guitar/amp setup. The chances of a bad connection are always increased with a greater number of cables.
    But the dead battery in a pedal! That's one I wouldn't have thought of!!! There's always something to learn here :thumb-up:

      Good job Dante! I'm glad it wasn't the Classic,

            Harley 8)
I only have two brain cells left, ...and I'm saving them for the weekend!


The bad cord was already soldered to the tip of the plug...mostly. There were a few frayed wires and one (yes ONE) strand appeared to be touching the sleeve, which would explain some noise. I noticed it when I jiggled the cord, then went looking in that connection. I found that and re-soldered it.

Not sure why it was louder in the B channel though.

The battery thing was a total surprise. I would have never thought about that, but I guess a small amount of noise was being amplified by the higher gain settings....which kinda makes sense as to why I didn't hear it in the cleaner patches. The dang thing sounds amazing now, screaming gains that get dead quiet with a quick palm mute. The difference is pretty noticeable. Thank GOD it wasn't in the preamp  :thumb-up:


Well glad I could help in some obscure way  :lol:

Wauw that was some weird problem, strange though about that dead battery. But it's solved so ...



A friend of mine had some weird noise in his rig over the weekend, he couldn't figure it out. He also powers his pedals with a Boss tuner, so I asked if there was a battery in side it. He says "yeah, but that's been dead for years"  ;D

He took it out, the battery was rusty and starting to leak!  :o

Once he had that cancer out of the pedal, no more noise = TA DA!!



Boss Chromatic Tuner TU-2 pedal

It's a stompbox that can power your other stompboxes