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Positive Grid JamUp Pro/Bias recording (on an iPhone 4S)


Systematic Chaos:
Attached is a short solo clip I did to the backing track of Dream Theater Overture 1928.
I recorded this on an iPhone 4s with a cheapo iRig interface running JamUp Pro as instrument in GarageBand.
Sloppy playing, I know  :facepalm: :facepalm: but I think the sound/tone quality of that App is quite ok for the fact that this was recorded on a mobile phone ;-)
(Listen with headphones....PC/Laptop speakers won´t do justice....)

Hey SC, came out quite well considering (I liked the guitar lines BTW). Through studio monitors, sounds a bit compressed, lacks a bit of sparkle (16 - 18khz), my 2 cents worth

El Chiguete:
THAT test makes me want to get an Iphone/Ipad for my bday on the end of the month to have this as my go-to traveling, home practice, band practice, fun recording rig!!!

Basicly copying your iPad/Postive Grid Bias and JamUp Pro XT/Roland UA-22 Duo Capture EX/Peak Midi Board.

One quick question, can you make different routings for the effects and the amp (parallel, wet/dry, or simulate having a mixer to get the wet/dry together in stereo) or just in series?

Systematic Chaos:
The FX are just in series, but the FX order can be altered to gusto (pre / post amp)....but for a 20$ App that´s a no-brainer. For practicing and rehearsing it´s more than sufficient. For an ad-hoc live gig nobody will hear a difference between series or parallel once the drummer counts in the song ;-)
For recording you can always record the amp dry and then add FX later.

That crappy lil track I did was straight JamUp into Garageband, no bells nor whistles.


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