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Ritch's Bitches

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One of the funnest things about this band is the drummer's sense of humor. He stole -er-borrowed some Barbie dolls from his daughter's collection (she's now in college) and made a little 'stage' for the girls to attend our shows. Since I already had a bunch of toys in front of me, he put them in front of Ritch, the bass player. Shortly thereafter, he came up with the idea that the girls should hold little signs, like they're at a concert. Then, his daughter came up with the idea they should be Ritch's Bitches....

The girls became quite the attraction, and fans would often come up to the stage just to read the signs (which changed every gig). If we played a winery, the signs were wine-related, if we played a country club, it was golf, if we were in LAS VEGAS (which we were), it was a bit raunchy.

Here are some highlights for you - enjoy



 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You had me laughing so hard...

That's great!!     :lol: 


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