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trying to copy a guitar tone for hours and then...


El Chiguete:
Has this ever happend to you before?

Yesterday I was playing around for a couple of hours (like 5!) to replicate the guitar tone of EVH in Poundcake. I tried my best to get the tone he has in the intro and chorus of the song and I just couldnt come close  :dunno: This is a tone I've allways wanted to do and I have allways been frustrated :facepalm: Eventually I just told myself that I just don't have the correct gebar to do it. So I turn of my gear because I had to go to sleep (I even forgot to eat dinner :crazy:) and wake up early for work today. ut then I said to myself "let me do a quick search online to see if I find something, maybe a youtube video of someone explaining how to do it"... guess what, I open a Wikipedia page and at the same time a few Youtube videos aaaaaand the second video I see tells me exactly what says in Wikipedia:

"According to Eddie Van Halen, the song first did not earn much a reaction until producer Andy Johns suggested him to play the rhythm tracks with 12-string guitars. Afterwards the band helped the composition of the song over the two electric 12-strings doubled beneath Eddie's usual dirty guitar."

FTW!!! So all this years I was trying of to get it wright and I was NEVER going to be abble to do it  :facepalm: Oh well now I know what I need to do.  :banana-upsidedown:

Curt Mitchel really nails the VH sound,check out this video


BTW he's using a a Todd Langner modded marshall plexi.

El Chiguete:
WOW great video!!!

Yep great player and great sound. :metal:


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