Non ADA Gear > Guitars

Best pickup for our MP-1, 2s and Classics

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El Chiguete:
So a thread in another forum got me thinking this, probably there won't be a deffinitive answer but whats the best  for our MP-1, 2s and Classics preamps? I'm asking this because In the other forum there was talk about how you don't need old school high power pickups because when they where made the amp didn't have that much gain so the needed a push in the from and that came from the pickups (like how the Dimarzio Super Distortion makes older Marshalls scream) but with out ADA preamps that have way more gain should we steel use this type of high output pickups? Or maybe a mid output pickup should be better to have more clarity? Dont know, just food for thought.

Based on my experience a middy, high output pickup on my MP-1 and MP-2 has given me issues, or on anything resembling a metal oriented rig, at least for rhythm playing.  The ADA preamps really like my Aria Pro PE-R80's vintage output humbuckers (especially the bridge), same for my medium output P-Rails on my Kawai F1 Jr as they don't congest the preamp and mask the note attack.  While The guitar's construction will figure greatly I think those forums are on the right track.  There are always exceptions though...and preferential differences... :-\

On a side note: This goes along the same lines as the debate.  I recently tried out a new EVH 5150 III for the first guitar for the lead and crunch channel?...Turns out it was a draw between a maple necked Cabronita Telecaster with Filtertrons and a Pawn Shop Strat with the Wide Range humbucker in the bridge, bizarre thrash heaven.  Go figure.  ??? :dunno: :whoohoo!:
Then again the 5150 is a different sort of beast.

Hey El, there can't be a definitive answer, it's so subjective and also the ADAs' are so adaptable/adjustable, they will cope with most things, the sound (in the end) is up to the individual. The factory presets are set for a variety of guitars and PUs.  For me, the first part of the sound is what you do with your fingers on a guitar that does what "it" does, then into pre amp amp cabs.  There are lots of PUs available (my fav is Ultrasonics very flat most others are middy), they all sound different. To me, to say it doesn't matter anymore is crap, all the bits/elements combine to make "your" tone.

That is what is so cool about Guitars and Basses. There are so many ways to Color your Sound. There really is no right or wrong pickup for the ADA just your personal taste. In my experience I got rid of all my High Output Emgs. I felt they made a modded MP1 scratchy sounding.But I used use Single Coil Emgs in my Telecaster and Love the sound. When it comes to my heavy riffing I use whater...X2N dual blade..Invader..gotta get rid of my passive Emgs but thoses too and one of my Favs is my Medium Output Infinity Stock Ibanez Pu. The Medium output works great with further cleaning up  high gain channels when I need it.

There are some amazing independent PU makers around too.

Harley Hexxe:
I definitely agree with the last two posts in this thread by Richard, and Robb. They pretty much hit the nail on the head.

I remember trying The DiMarzio Super Distortions in a Gibson L6-S. They did push the overdrive much further, and made for a great lead tone, but when you rolled the volume knob back, you couldn't get rid of the distortion. Those pickups and the Power Plus pickups were useless when it came to getting a clean tone. IMHO

Whoever posted about that in the other forum is just looking for excuses to cover a lack of technique. It brings to mind and old saying: It's a poor musician who blames his instrument!

Harley 8)


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