Non ADA Gear > Guitars

Looking for Volume Pot Advice


Hey guys!  I have a Schecter C-1 Classic ("Vine of Life" inlay) that is a very nice playing and sounding guitar. The one thing that bothers me, though, is the volume pot. I like to roll back the volume knob to various degrees to change the tone during some songs, and it is very difficult with this guitar because the volume pot is not very linear; it doesn't drop much at all until you are almost at the end of its run, then it falls off really quickly. I'd like to replace it with something that has a more gradual taper, but as I don't know much about these things, I thought I'd ask if anyone here has any suggestions on what would be a good replacement. Thanks!

I really like the EVH pots.   They are probably re-branded something, but they are really smooth and have a really nice taper.

Thanks for the suggestion, I will look into those!

take a look here to understand the different pots

Interesting read, thanks!


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