ADA Preamps > Original MP-1

The Spare

<< < (2/2)


Way to go, Mike. Now, don't be too surprised if it doesn't sound exactly like your 'main' rig. Just work with whatcha got, pure tubey goodness  :thumb-up:

First run was a bit stressful, because one channel was intermittent and seemed to be affected by chorus settings. Pots and jacks were scratchy. Richard and I ended up with the opinion that it really needed a good clean before coming to any conclusions.
Post-clean, I ran it through a headphone amp so I wouldn't disturb my wife who was watching her stories.  The headphone amp then started having intermittent one channel problems (what is this? A conspiracy?). So yesterday I substituted it into my main rig and it sounds awesome!  :headbanger:
I'm going to set up a system so that I can do a definitive side-by-side comparison. My initial feeling is that this one may actually have what it takes to be numero uno. Not sure how I feel about that.

Hey Mike, good news  :thumb-up: :whoohoo!: it all works.  Nothing like a good clean.  Also those original tubes are still going strong.The side by side comparison will be interesting, probably easiest to do at my place and use one of the mixers  :dunno: . I've also got a A/B, A+B switch to switch the inputs.
This also brings up the question do 117v US models sound better than the 230v equivalent?  I say this because my US MP2 and US MP1 both sound so sweet.  Anyway we will no doubt chat at length about it LoL.


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