Non ADA Gear > Amps

Atomic Amplifire


El Chiguete:
Who has use this or tested it out?

A month ago I had a small gig and I sounded great but as you all know its a hassle to move around the rack and cab (I'm not playing live often and if I did I might be looking into this even more!) so all of that it made me start thinking of newer options. Besides that since I'm not playing live often for the last year I hopefull to start making videos of my playing and uploading them to youtube... the problem with that is that you all know recording with a mic is tedious besides the fact of the volume level that the amp has to be in to sound like you like it........ ALSO I still need to buy a good tube poweramp to finish the rig, I have my eye one in one of a forum member but with the price of that w/o the shipping I could get an Amplifire locally now.

So I feel ashame for asking this on this forum but I think you guys will give me honest opinions on the matter.

Harley Hexxe:
Hey EC,

    I've been thinking about doing the same thing here at home, (the video/Youtube thing), but I wouldn't consider using the mics in the cameras at all. My idea is to shoot the video with several video recording devices, then edit the videos to form a complete video and use the DAW sound track underneath the video.
   It should be fun to try when I get the missing pieces I need. I figure I'll just play the song while going through video footage, and splice video segments to the sound track that match the music underneath.
   I don't know if that will work that way, but I'm optimistic.

      Harley 8)

Hey Harley, sounds like you idea will work fine  :thumb-up:

Hey El, I haven't tried an Amplifire, but it sounds like it should be good.  A mate of mine uses a SANs amp, has been using it for many years (it's not a modeller though), sounds great (well my MP1 rig had the edge on it though >:D ).  As long as you get your monitoring sorted out it should be fine, and very portable.


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