Non ADA Gear > Effects

My latest pedalboard


I recently completed a new pedalboard for all my non-synth effects.  The signal chain is as follows:

Guitar > Empress Buffer + > Bonamassa Cry Baby > Bonamassa Fuzz Face > Timmy OD > Mayflower OD > Empress Phaser > Modfactor > Hardwire Supernatural.  A TC Polytune is connected to the Buffer +.

The expression pedal on the left controls the Modfactor.  A Midisolutions Quadra (underneath) splits the incoming MIDI (from a KMI Softstep 2) into 4, controlling the Phaser, Modfactor, Voodoo Labs Hex (underneath), and Payne Labs K-Switch.

The chain has several outputs: Part A just after the Phaser (mono) and Part B after the Supernatural (stereo).  There's also a Part B input (mono) into chain before the Modfactor.

Every pedal is switched using a MIDI-controlled audio switcher - a combination of Voodoo Labs Hex and Payne Labs K-Switch.  By using dedicated MIDI channels, both pedal in/out and effects presets are controlled where possible.  All pedals are on full time and there's no need to touch any of the switches - the Softstep controls all configurations as well as individual pedals through CC commands.  For example I can bypass the Buffer + when using the Cry Baby to get that magic interaction with the guitar pickups.

The whole thing is powered by a Voodoo Lab Mondo isolated power supply.  Only one AC cord is used!

The platform is a Chemistry Design Werks Holeyboard.  I used 3M SJ3560 dual-lock fasteners (instead of the cable ties they recommend) to attach the pedals.  Mogami 2319 cable and Switchcraft connectors were used; all cables were custom cut and soldered.  Overall weight is about 30 lbs.

Wauw that looks nice  :thumb-up:


--- Quote from: MarshallJMP on December 05, 2015, 11:29:06 AM ---Wauw that looks nice  :thumb-up:

--- End quote ---
+1  :thumb-up: very cool

Peter H. Boer:
Niiiiice  8)

Sweet looking board! :thumb-up:


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