Let's Get Technical > Troubleshooting Problems

Wrong channel comes up on my MP-1

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Darth Infernus:
Hi guys, As the title implies I'm having an issue with my MP-1 with channel switching. For some reason, when I try to engage channel 2 on the MP-1, it's going to channel 9 instead. I must have done something but I have no idea what I did.

If it helps, I have a Voodoo labs ground control floorboard that I use with my rack set-up


Darth Infernus:
Any one??

I think somehow you did some midi mapping,you can reset it to 1 to 1.

Press store, then press Bank and 2 at the same time

It will read "1 to 1 loaded"

Then check if it goes to the right preset.

Darth Infernus:
No, that didn't work. I pressed STORE, then I pressed BANK and 2 (on the ADA) at the same time and all I got was a flashing underscore line.

Well your issue is either the midi mapping in the MP1 has been changed (e.g. receives midi 2 patch change from foot switch and goes to internal memory 9) or the foot switch (well whatever is feeding the MP1 midi in socket) is putting out a different patch change number on the midi channel the MP1 is listening to (so midi mapping in the foot switch or whatever midi device (in midi chain) is before MP1).
If you read the MP1 manual  section 4.1 One-to-One midi mapping, the instructions are as MJMP says, Press Store, store led will blink, Press Bank, hold down and simultaneously press 2. Display reads "Load". This should restore One-to-One midi mapping in MP1.

However, in the previous paragraph/instruction in the manual it describes how to modify the midi mapping for each program, i.e. MP1 receives midi patch change number x on its midi in (from say midi foot switch) but maps it to MP1 internal memory patch y. So press PRGM. Led flashes (select an MP1 program number, in your case 2). Press MEM, Led flashes, select a new memory number again in your case 2, press MEM to store and exit, that will also restore One-to-One mapping for that patch (2) only.

If above doesn't work, then it's more likely the midi patch change number from you pedal (well from whatever is plugged into the MP1 midi in din socket as that's what the MP1 is "listening to") is sending out a different number (in your case 9) and MP1 is just doing what its told to.

Read section 4.0 of manual, if the MP1 is left with the PRGM button active (Led flashing), the MP1 will display the midi program numbers when they are received instead of the internal patch number (normal operation). This way you can easily check what midi program number the MP1 is receiving from the pedal (or whatever is feeding its midi in socket). So use this to check what midi number the MP1 is getting (hearing) when you press 2 on your pedal, if it's hearing 2 then the issue is with MP1 mapping. If it's hearing 9 then whatever is sending the change is sending 9 not 2 (like you want) when you select 2.

Where does the MP1 midi in signal come from ? as other gadgets have midi change tables and can confuse this. As does your voodoo thingy no doubt (so the issue may well be there ?).

Note: the midi "out" on the MP1 is the internal MP1 memory number, the midi through is whatever came into the midi in just passed through, so if the midi in is say 30 and you change the MP1 mapping to go to internal memory 55 when it "hears" 30, the MP1 midi out will be 55 and midi through will be 30.

I'm not familiar with the Voodoo Labs foot switch but if it's anything like the Behringer FCB 1010, it can pump out a variety of midi change signals on different midi channels just by pressing one button so you'll need to program it ??


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